Results of Fiddler on the Roof Auditions Announced

The updated rehearsal & production schedule is available here: Fiddler Final Schedule Open PDF with Acrobat Reader.

Director Jim Wadzinski has announced the results of the grueling auditions for Fiddler on the Roof that were conducted at Lee College Performing Arts Center in preparation for the upcoming Baytown Little Theater production of the Bock-Harnick-Stein musical set for performances July 26, 27, 28, August 2, 3, & 4.

To download and view the cast list, please click this link: Fiddler Cast 6-10-2013 You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this pdf file.

Wadzinski thanked everyone who came out for the four auditions, and notes that it was one of the toughest decisions that he has encountered as a director. The ever-popular musical drew a number of highly talented performers of all ages, and promises to be another highlight production that will draw near-capacity audiences to enjoy its award-winning music and show-stopping dance numbers, supporting a rich historical struggle for peace and tolerance.

Tickets are on sale at the Lee College box office. Click on the link on the right end of the black strip banner at the top of this page.

About Kim

Theater teacher/director. Currently serving as president of the Baytown Little Theater
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