Report from Lewisville 4

Today at the TNT AACTFest began with more workshops, learning about light control systems, fund-raising, stage managing, and other vital topics. Lunch was spent with a Subway sandwich and a meeting with other attendees from theatres in Quad IV, which is the southeastern quadrant of the state and includes representatives from around the Houston area, as far north as Nacogdoches, and east to Port Arthur. New leadership for the quad was chosen as BLT’s own Kathryn Saenger and Mandy Seymore-Sensat were named co-chairs. We can look for exciting opportunities to share achievements and ideas among theatres in our part of the state.

Today’s performances feature the four theatres from Quad IV, including BLT’s God of Carnage. Come back for more updates. This photo shows BLT’s Kim Martin modeling aprons made by Mary Lou Martin and donated to the silent auction.


About Kim

Theater teacher/director. Currently serving as president of the Baytown Little Theater
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