Auditions for Youth Production Announced

The Baytown Little Theater will hold auditions for a special production that will feature the youth of our area and our theater. With an appearance planned at the Texas Nonprofit Theatres annual Youth Conference in Odessa in June, this promises to be an exciting opportunity for young people with an interest and enthusiasm for performance to gain experience and become part of one of the outstanding youth theatre groups in the state of Texas.

Auditions will be held Sunday, March 17, at 3:00 PM at the Baytown Little Theater, 4828 Hugh Echols Blvd, with rehearsals to begin shortly after that date. Performances will be June 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, & 23, and participation at the youth conference will be June 12-16 for those chosen to work on this exciting show. For more information on the TNT conference, click on this link.

About Kim

Theater teacher/director. Currently serving as president of the Baytown Little Theater
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