Come out for Christmas on Texas Avenue

Are you ready to help your friends and neighbors get in the holiday spirit? Come join us this Saturday, December 8, at Christmas on Texas Avenue as we offer some entertainment at what is fast becoming one of the most enjoyable community events all year.

The Baytown Little Theater, as a future neighbor in the historic Downtown District, will have a booth on Texas Avenue to say “Hello, and Merry Christmas!” and let everyone know about our New Year’s Eve production of Tuna Does Vegas and the 2013 Season, which begins in February with our production of the Larry Shue comedy The Foreigner.

We will also be taking the stage in front of the old Brunson Theater from 3:00 to 3:30 to provide some entertainment in the holiday spirit. We need members to join us and add their voices to some holiday music. Just show up at the BLT booth about 2:30, and we’ll have music for you. Dress in whatever clothes or colors of the season that you have, and come help us bring the fun and spirit of the season to our community.”

About Kim

Theater teacher/director. Currently serving as president of the Baytown Little Theater
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